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UNESCO Associated Schools Network in Quebec


The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (also known as ASPnet,) is a worldwide network of more than 11,500 schools located in over 182 countries.

ASPnet's goal

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In Canada, the Network is active in most provinces and territories and includes more than 100 schools. Educators and students explore, through regional, national, and international projects and initiatives, the following four areas of action:

  • The mission and mandate of UNESCO and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Global citizenship education
  • Education for sustainable development and climate change action
  • Indigenous education and reconciliation

Éducation internationale's role

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Éducation internationale, coordinator of the Steering Committee of the Associated Schools Network of Quebec, invites you to apply to join the Quebec Network of UNESCO Associated Schools.

Through the organization of an annual competition, the Quebec Network offers schools the opportunity to submit their application to become part of the UNESCO Associated Schools.

Submit your application

The Quebec Ministry of Education (MEQ) has entrusted the mandate to develop and manage the network of Quebec Associated Schools to a committee composed of representatives from Éducation internationale, the Federation of Quebec School Boards, the Central Union of Quebec, and the Federation of Private Educational Institutions.

The MEQ has been funding the Network since 2007.

Benefits of joining the Network & Target audience

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Participation in the UNESCO Associated Schools Network of Quebec allows our members to benefit from networking, exchange, and training activities. Here are some of the benefits offered to UNESCO members in the province:

  • Regular meetings among staff members to network, train, and exchange good ideas;
  • Organization of an annual youth conference;
  • Participation in Canadian UNESCO activities;
  • Participation in the Canada Ethics Bowl;
  • Receiving project ideas and engagement opportunities with the United Nations and UNESCO in their email inbox;
  • And more!


Public and private schools providing preschool, primary, secondary, technical or vocational education

For more information

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Visit the website of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network of Quebec:

See the Network’s website