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Language assistants
Application & selection process

The 3 destinations offered in this program have a limited annual number of positions. Here are the main steps prior to departure. Apply now!

Download the Application form (French only)
Submit your application

Eligibility criteria

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The language assistant program offers Quebec students the opportunity to experience a language and professional immersion abroad while being remunerated. Students from all academic fields can participate in this program.

To be eligible and advance to the selection interview stage, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old (as of January 1st preceding the departure)
  • Have obtained a CEGEP diploma before the start of the program (within the year preceding the departure), being in the process of obtaining a university degree, or having obtained their degree within the five years preceding the start of the program (college or university)
  • Be a permanent resident of Quebec
  • Be a Canadian citizen
  • Have an excellent command of French, both orally and in writing; French must be their first language or have a similar level of proficiency in French
  • Have taken at least 2 courses in the host country’s language (certain exceptions may me considered if sufficient proof of command of the language is provided

JANUARY 31st | Deadline to apply

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To apply for the language assistant program, you must submit the following documents here before January, 31st:

  • Your application form
  • Your CV
Download the application form – French only
Help to fill out the PDF form – French only

After submitting your documents, you should receive a confirmation email within 3 business days.

FEBRUARY | Interviews in Québec city and Montréal

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After receiving your application, the Échange azimut team will evaluate it. If selected for that stage, you will be contacted for an interview in Quebec City or in Montreal. You will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria :

  • Have an excellent command of spoken French ;
  • Have a good knowledge of the host country’s language ;
  • Show an excellent capacity to adapt in a new environment ;
  • Fit the job description, have teaching potential and abilities ;
  • Show an aptitude and motivation to promote Québec’s culture ;

The Échanges azimut team can add more criteria to ensure the quality of the candidates.

MARCH/APRIL | Interview results via email

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The interview results will be emailed to you during the months of March or April.

If you pass the interview, you will be officially accepted into the program. You will then be sent a consent form, which you must sign and return to us.

MAY/JUNE | Placement results

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The exact details of your posting will be sent to you. Even though we try to take your preferences into account, our main duty is to meet the interests of our partners and their schools. It is therefore important to remain flexible in regard to your posting and consider the fact that for various reasons, we cannot give each selected candidate their first choice.

Your school should initiate contact towards the end of June.

MID-JUNE | Pre-departure meeting in Québec City

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In order to prepare for their assistantship, all selected candidates are required to attend a pre-departure meeting organized in Québec City. Essential information will be given during this meeting and attendance is mandatory to participate in the program.

JULY | Pre-departure steps

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You will be guided through the various formalities regarding work visas and other administrative matters.

SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER | Start of your assistantship

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The long-awaited moment! After a short period of observation, you will start your assistantship in the school/institution in which you have been assigned. Whoop-whoop!


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