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Host a language assistant

Royaume-Uni – Allemagne – Mexique

The main objective of this program, funded by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, is for language assistants to help language teachers by leading the students in activities that complement their language learning (English, German, or Spanish).


by the Ministry

For primary, secondary, college or university levels

depending on the country

8 to 9 months

in the school

70% funded

By the Ministry

From three countries

Germany, Mexico and the United Kingdom

Additional Information

Program Objectives and the Role of a language Assistant

A language assistant’s stay in Québec is often an integral part of their university studies. They are often required to complete an eight-to-nine-month practicum in a French-speaking environment in order to:

  • Improve their knowledge of the French language.
  • Become familiar with French culture in North America.
  • Become acquainted with various aspects of life in Québec.
  • Represent British culture abroad.
  • Gain teaching experience.
  • And, in certain cases, to obtain a university degree.

Assistants are people who:

  • are in their twenties
  • have a very good command of their mother tongue.
  • Who are not teachers, but have some knowledge of pedagogy or teaching.
  • need to improve their knowledge of French as a second language.
  • are making their first visit to Québec, Canada or North America.
  • have undergone a selection interview in their native country and have been recommended for the position of language assistant.

The requesting organization must obtain the full consent of all the language teachers in the school to which the language assistant will be assigned. This agreement must be accompanied by a complete job description and a plan to ensure that the language assistant receives proper support and supervision both in and outside the school.

Role of the language assistant

The role of the language assistant consists in helping language teachers perform their tasks by leading the students in oral activities that complement their language program.

Language assistants must :

  • motivate Québec francophone students to learn another language.
  • acquaint the students with their own way of life and native culture.
  • have students take part in oral communication activities.
  • prepare pedagogical activities.
  • take part in leading activities conducted in the language of study.
  • accompany the students in language immersion activities.

Assistants cannot :

  • replace a teacher in a task that has been assigned specifically to that teacher.
  • carry out administrative tasks that are the express responsibility of the teacher.
  • supervise groups of over fifteen or under two students without the presence of the teacher in the classroom.
  • correct schoolwork or exams.
  • work with students with social or learning difficulties.
  • work with students who are disruptive or have emotional problems.
  • work on exam-related tasks.
  • work with allophone students.

Funding and administrative costs

The amount received by each language assistant varies depending on the level of the education institution in which they will be working. Éducation internationale will fund each of these institutions.

Country of origin Duration Hours per week Funding given to the institution Cost for the institution Total gross amount paid to the language assistant
United Kingdom 9 months 24h (including 6h for preparation) $16 380 $7 020 $23 400
Mexico 9 months 24h (including 6h for preparation) $16 380 $7 020 $23 400
Germany 8 months 20h (including 6h for preparation) $12 110 $5 190 $17 300

The host school also assumes responsibility (means and costs) for disbursing the total grant amount to the foreign language assistant.

Application form and handbook for the education institution


Please read carefully through the ”Guide pour les établissements” (in French only).

Download the handbook – French only

Application form

Fill out the application form and upload it here:

Application form – French only

Mandated by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec to internationalize the Québec school service centres. We have been offering exchange programs for over 10 years.



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Lili Trudel

Assistants de langue

« Sortir de sa zone de confort s'applique à merveille à l'expérience d'assistanat. Je ne savais pas quoi m'attendre de l'Allemagne, mais ça ne fait que rendre les surprises plus intenses : le [...]

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Deadline : Febuary 28