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Mobility grants in vocational training - Students



This grant program is funded by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) and aims to skills and abilities of students in an international environment through projects outside of Quebec.


from the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ)

Students in vocational training

Studying full-time for a DVS or AVS in a school in Quebec

Length of the internship

Minimum of 7 days

$1,500 to $2,000 per student

(depending on the length of the internship)

1 or 2 supervisors

can receive a grant of the same value as the students

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

You must ensure your project is eligible before submitting a grant application with the program.

  • There is no minimum or maximum number of Quebec students* per project.
  • The length of the project must be at least 7 days (number of days devoted to carrying out the project, including 2 days for travel)
  • The project must take place outside Quebec; Canadian provinces or territories are also eligible.
  • Only students enrolled full-time in a program leading to a DVS or an AVS are eligible for a grant.
  • At least half of the units of the course must first have been completed in Quebec.
  • Training acquired outside Quebec must lead to obtaining a number of credits (or the mention on the report of a number of hours worked in a company for students alternating work and training) at the home institution, equivalent to full-time training.
  • The project budget must include a minimum contribution of 10% of the overall estimated cost that does not come from the grant. This contribution must be detailed in the project budget outline.
  • The project must be evaluated as safe.
  • Applications can be submitted starting from April 1 of the current year, and funding can be granted for projects ending before August 31 of the following year.
  • The application must be complete and signed, including the fully completed application form and supporting documents.

*Under this program, the definition of a Quebec student is the same as the one used in the Regulation respecting the definition of resident in Québec (RLRQ, c. E-9-1, r 2)

Amount of the grant

The amounts awarded vary according to the number of days dedicated to internship activities.

Eligible expenses for this scholarship are transportation, accommodation, and meals.

The annual bugdet awarded for all submitted projects is $400,000.

Length of the stay (days) Amount awarded by Student or supervisor*
7 and less Non-eligible
7-20 $1,500
21-27 $1,750
28+ $2,000

Deadline to submit your project

The Program will be implemented through two types of project calls: a continuous annual call and another with a fixed submission deadline. The details are specified below.

Continuous Annual Call for Projects:

Applications are processed as they are received, starting from April 1st. This call for projects closes when the remaining funds are insufficient to finance all submitted projects. The closing date will be published in due course on our website. Confirmation of acceptance or rejection of your application will be provided no later than 6 weeks after the submission date.

Fixed Deadline Call for Projects:

This call for projects begins once the continuous call for projects is closed and ends on the following February 15th. It provides a funding opportunity for all projects that could not be financed under the continuous call for projects. Confirmation of acceptance or rejection of your application will be provided no later than 6 weeks after the submission deadline, which is February 15th.

It is also possible to submit a grant application retroactively, that is, after the project has taken place, provided it is within the same financial year.

You will receive confirmation of receipt and compliance of your application by email within the week following its submission.

Supporting documents | Submit your application

Application guide for the program

Please read all the information contained in the guide carefully before you apply to the grant program.


Download and Fill out the form along with the following supporting documents:

Application form
Appendix I: Program schedule
Appendix II: Budget outline
Help to fill out the PDF form

Upload your application here :

Drop box

After submitting your documents, you should receive a confirmation email within 3 business days.

Grant use report

School management must complete the grant use report (in French only) and submit it to Éducation internationale at the latest 30 days after the completion of the project. Any unused sum will have to be reimbursed (e.g. student withdrawal).

The report must also include the following documents :

  • Appendix I: Detailed schedule of the project (as it unfolded).

  • Appendix II: Final budget outline.

  • Proof of purchase for eligible expenses for each participant

  • Any other relevant document (stories, photos, etc.)

Complete all the forms and upload them here:

Drop box

After submitting your documents, you should receive a confirmation email within 3 business days.


As a security measure, no funding will be granted for projects that take place in a country that is the subject of a level 3 travel advisory issued by the Government of Canada (avoid all non-essential travel).

This program is funded by the ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Éducation internationale and the Échanges azimut department has been mandated by the Ministry to administer this program.

300 +

projects funded
since 2009

2 500 +

students funded

$ 3,000,000 +

awarded in grants


Contact us


Submit your application starting from April 1, 2024. Deadline: February 15, 2025.